Wednesday, May 25, 2011

375 million! what would you do with that ? Is int that the question that every body ask "what would you do with a million dollars". If you ask me what I would do with a million dollars or more, I would tell you that I would help my family out then I would want to go help little boys and girls in Mexico with education because everybody deserves amazing education.As you may know the picture to your left is a picture of a scene in the movie lottery ticket, the movie has a great plot line you should watch it some time. The story makes you think about who really is there for you and who really is not. When you have 375 million dollars who isn't going to be your friend. I believe that people with money miss understand that money is not everything. In some people eyes money is everything to them. I guess when you have money power tends to follow with it and everybody likes power. The point of this writing is for you to think. think about everything, Think what would you do with 375 million dollars.


My heart races as I run through the streets of New York, turning around every second to see cars multiply by the minute -- chasing me  and I don’t know why. A helicopter swoops down to get me, but I push myself to run faster even if it is my last breath, till I notice that I can run fast , jump 100 feet, and break everything that gets in my way. I run under some stairs and have the feeling of comfort just like when I was little, and my mom used to tuck my in my race car bed. Above my bed was a poster of one of the greatest baseball players of all time -- Babe Ruth. "WE NEED YOU THOMAS!" As soon as I hear that, my great memories brought me back to the worst time of my life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So Close, But So Far

Have you ever had that moment in life that you were so close of getting somthing but never arrived to it?



Friday, May 6, 2011


I dont really have a hero in life but if I did I would have to say that it would my grandma. Shes has been there for me thoughout my life. She doesn't judge me with anything and i like that a lot. She has made me very strong. I look at her more as a mom than a grandma:)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


If I was in the same exact position as Annie I would hate it because she has to go though so much. She gets beat and she can’t do anything about it because she is a slave. Her owners don’t like her because of her skin color if she doesn't clean fast enough then they will hit her and she will get spitted at. If I was her I would of tried to escape a long time a go. Annie is trying tough and I give her credit for that.